Using The SNAP Sales Technique to Understand Your Prospects

Sales techniques, web marketingFinding that sweet spot in sales where you really communicate with your customers, and thereby increase sales, can be tricky because everyone seems to be pressed for time. Face it, even you may feel overwhelmed. One method for streamlining your sales approach is the SNAP method, which is a handy acronym to help you be more effective. The SNAP Technique basically brings the salesman to the prospect’s level.

S. Keep it Simple. Because owners and managers are very busy, whatever you’re selling needs to be easy for them to change to or adopt. After all, who has time for a complex training system for a new program when one with intuitive pathways might be available? If you keep your approach simple, it’ll be received better and/or faster.

N. Be iNvaluable. Life in the business world is really about relationships. You should be the invaluable expert your clients can’t do without. Establishing trust does take time and energy, but once you have become the person who knows (or can find) all the answers, you’ll have greased the money wheels as well.

A. Align. What are the core beliefs of not only your own company, but your clients’ companies? Any time you can align yourself with those beliefs, people will want to work with you more. It’s not so much about spouting whatever you find on your client’s website, so much as knowing him/her well enough to have something in common. For example, if your client contributes to a local charity, you might let them know in an off-hand way of charities your own business supports.

P. Priorities. Everyone has priorities, whether it’s personal or business needs. If you understand your customers’ proprieties, you can tap into them in ways that will not only help them, but will increase your sales as well. It could be a more efficient office program, or a new product to make their lives better. The point is, you must really know your customers before you can sell something to them.

SNAP methodology is not really about selling. It’s about building relationships effectively. Of course you need to make money, but you don’t need to waste your or your customers’ time. This method is an effective way to think about calls from the perspective of a customer, which will streamline them so you stay on track.

For more information feel free to contact Lone Bird Studio.

Using the DISC Personality Model to Improve Sales Techniques

Using the DISC Personality Model to Improve Sales TechniquesThe DISC model is a way to analyze four basic personalities, which can help increase your sales records. After all, if you are selling something, it always helps to understand why people act the way they do. DISC is a way to categorize people very quickly into different personalities. Once you know which kind of person you’re dealing with, you can modify how you approach them to ways in which they will respond. In short, you can speak their language. The four DISC categories are below. As you study them, think of yourself. What kind of DISC personality are you? Then think of the customer you need to contact and which DISC category s/he is most likely in, based on what you already know.

D = Dominant. This personality sees themselves as being stronger than the world, which is hostile. They tend to be extroverts who overcome any obstacle in the way of their goals. They love a challenge, are energetic and innovative, and think outside the box. Sometimes they are perceived as being arrogant, insensitive and too aggressive, usually by people who are polar opposites.

I = Influential. These people see the world as a friendly place and see themselves a strong in their environment. They are inspiring, generous and open to the opinions of others. They are usually loved by others but might be seen as shallow or silly on the surface.

S = Stability. Like Influential personalities, Stability people see the world as friendly. However, because they see themselves as weaker than the environment, they don’t like to upset the established system. They feel safe with the status quo, and need encouragement to grow or branch out. Sometimes they are perceived as stubborn and unwilling to change.

C = Conformity. These personalities see the world as hostile, and themselves as weak, which means they don’t think they have much influence and therefore prefer to think inside a well-established box. They are fact-seekers, intelligent and diplomatic. Because they analyze things carefully before committing to change, they can be perceived as very reserved or indecisive.

No one is purely one flavor of the DISC categories, but are instead a blend. You may know someone who loves a challenge and tackles problems with both hands (Dominant), but is also diplomatic and reflective (Conformity). As you can see, the DISC method is a way to analyze yourself as a salesperson, to understand your strengths and weaknesses, as well as a way to see your clients in a new light. If you use the DISC method wisely, you can improve your sales techniques significantly, which will make your customers happier and help your own bottom line.
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