Web Marketing and The Impact of Voice Searches

Web Marketing and The Impact of Voice Searches
Personal assistants change everything. let’s look at web marketing and the impact of voice searches.

We take online searches for granted. Things are changing, though, from hand-typing in searches to using voice searches on mobile devices. If we need to know something, we simply ask Alexa, Ask Google, Siri or Cortina. Those voice platforms not only answer client queries but anticipate the end of the question with autofill options based on previous searches. Over 90% of Americans have a smart phone and most of them use smart speakers daily. As a business owner, you need your company to be the one that is included in Google’s search snippets. Otherwise, your company is going to be left behind in the dust of your competitors.

Voice searches are more conversational than traditional keyboard searches. We used to go to the computer and type in “Weather Asheville, NC” and scroll through options that popped up. Now we pick up our phone and say, “Okay Google, what’s the weather in Asheville, NC?” We’ve gone from a minimum key word entry to long-tailed phrases or complete sentences. Digital marketing now specializes in not just search engine optimization, but voice search optimization, where semantics matters. Voice-enabled speakers, such as Alexa and Siri already are used by an overwhelming majority of consumers and will take this platform to the next level. Will your company be able to handle the next generation of voice-friendly marketing? To ignore this trend is to ignore customers who’d like to hear about your upcoming sales or promotions.

Voice-friendly devices are the way of the future. We use our smart phones, obviously, but smart home (smart office) devices such as voice-activated thermostats, televisions, Alexa, kitchen appliances and vacuum cleaners can open a whole new world of business opportunities for you. Use of smart devices is on the rise, and therefore voice-based searches are rising. It makes sense to revamp your company’s content now to include up-to-date key phrases.

To grab more voice queries, your web content should reflect natural language patterns and optimize pages with long-tailed keywords. It’s part of the trend toward screenless apps, and can really help a brick and mortar business, especially when coupled with geo-mapping technology.

To stay alive, you cannot ignore this when it come to your web marketing and the impact of voice searches.

It’s a lot to take in, but Lone Bird Studio can help. Click here for more information or to schedule a consultation.

What the Internet of Things is and How it Impacts Business

Internet of thingsWhat is the Internet of things, anyway? We’re glad you asked. It’s something you probably take for granted and don’t even realize it. When you get a text that notifies you of a package delivery on your i-Phone, listen with wireless earbuds to Pandora, ask Alexa a question, or check your Fitbit, you’ve dabbled in the Internet of Things, or IoT for short. Any device that has a sensor or a connection to the internet is part of the IoT. Virtually everything has some kind of internet connection these days, and that means businesses should keep up to date on changes in society that IoT creates. To ignore these trends would outdate your business, and that translates to decreased profitability.

How does IoT affect our behavior? Technology has made life easier and the digital age is here to stay. For example, instead of reaching for a dictionary, we ask Siri for a definition or pronunciation. As a business owner, seeing how these changes in technology have affected society (and how money is spent) is the first step. The second one is understanding how to create a digital marketing strategy that will grab consumers’ attention. Because potential clients have so many resources at their fingertips now, being able to find new ways to communicate with them and answering questions they may have, creates a connection with them. This connection is part of branding your business.

IoT itself is changing how client input is processed by those very devices. For example, a Google search a decade ago would’ve included basic key words only. Today, we ask whole questions to Siri. It’s more humanized. Searches now run not just on key words, but take into account our natural language patterns. Most everyone has noticed how they can be speaking of something casually, and suddenly advertisements for that very thing pop up on their social threads. There’s a fine line between gathering information for business analysis, and perceived invasion of privacy.

Taking IoT into account with web design (or upgrade) is key, because conveying a sense of trust between your company and clients is essential, even as business activities interact more directly with internet-connected devices. A secure website that looks good and loads quickly on laptops as well as smart devices is the standard. Adding a protocol to your business that, where applicable, includes geofencing/geomapping as well as external factors such as weather or traffic information could give you a serious edge in sales. For example, imagine a company that sells rain jackets and umbrellas being able to advertise those things on smart phones when rain is forecasted, and apply the concept to your company.

Most everyone has a smart phone. Tweaking your company’s website to embrace mobile IoT technology is essential. We can help with that. Click here for more information.

Using The SNAP Sales Technique to Understand Your Prospects

Sales techniques, web marketingFinding that sweet spot in sales where you really communicate with your customers, and thereby increase sales, can be tricky because everyone seems to be pressed for time. Face it, even you may feel overwhelmed. One method for streamlining your sales approach is the SNAP method, which is a handy acronym to help you be more effective. The SNAP Technique basically brings the salesman to the prospect’s level.

S. Keep it Simple. Because owners and managers are very busy, whatever you’re selling needs to be easy for them to change to or adopt. After all, who has time for a complex training system for a new program when one with intuitive pathways might be available? If you keep your approach simple, it’ll be received better and/or faster.

N. Be iNvaluable. Life in the business world is really about relationships. You should be the invaluable expert your clients can’t do without. Establishing trust does take time and energy, but once you have become the person who knows (or can find) all the answers, you’ll have greased the money wheels as well.

A. Align. What are the core beliefs of not only your own company, but your clients’ companies? Any time you can align yourself with those beliefs, people will want to work with you more. It’s not so much about spouting whatever you find on your client’s website, so much as knowing him/her well enough to have something in common. For example, if your client contributes to a local charity, you might let them know in an off-hand way of charities your own business supports.

P. Priorities. Everyone has priorities, whether it’s personal or business needs. If you understand your customers’ proprieties, you can tap into them in ways that will not only help them, but will increase your sales as well. It could be a more efficient office program, or a new product to make their lives better. The point is, you must really know your customers before you can sell something to them.

SNAP methodology is not really about selling. It’s about building relationships effectively. Of course you need to make money, but you don’t need to waste your or your customers’ time. This method is an effective way to think about calls from the perspective of a customer, which will streamline them so you stay on track.

For more information feel free to contact Lone Bird Studio.

Using SPIN Sales Techniques to Improve Sales

Using SPIN Sales Techniques to Improve SalesThe SPIN sales technique is a system of asking certain categories of questions to improve your sales funnel results. As with any conversation, the quality of the question is the key to success. Wrong questions turn off clients and lose sales. In the SPIN technique, it’s the buyers who do most of the talking. Your job is to build rapport and take notes, so you’ll understand what they really need.

SPIN is an acronym that stands for Situation, Problem, Implication and Need-Payoff questions. It’s a method of categorically asking questions to help ensure more sales.

Situation Questions help you to more clearly understand what your prospects need. Everything that follows is based on this foundation. The more you know about them beforehand, the more precise your questions can be and the more likely you’ll earn the sale. An example of a Situation question might be:

How do you track overall and individual volumes for your sales teams?

Problem Questions help your prospects see that they have a problem or need that you can meet. Think of it as questions that underscore the seriousness of their need, which help motivate them to change. This translates to a sale on your end. An example of a Problem question is:

What’s the biggest problem you’ve faced with implementing new sales programs?

Implementation Questions help clarify issues, thereby helping resolve, in your clients’ minds, that the problem really does need to be fixed. The most powerful sales questions fall in this category. This is where you discuss the effects of their problem before you offer solutions. An example is:

If your CSR training is absent, what does that mean for new reps you hire?

Need-Payoff Questions come after you’ve helped your clients see that their current situation will deteriorate if not addressed. You cannot jump ahead to this category, or you’ll be perceived as being too aggressive, and will lose sales. It’s a way to get the buyer to tell you exactly what they need, what the benefits of your product or service are, which is more positive and doesn’t feel pushy to them. An example of a Need-Payoff question might be:

If you could have a consistent training program that could be utilized as part of an OJT system, how would it help you achieve your target sales goals?

The key to the SPIN sales technique is understanding the kind of questions, and their timing, to help your clients visualize the difference your product or service can give them. Evoking positive emotions is key. Good planning equals good selling. SPIN selling works backwards from traditional sales techniques. Instead of calling to discuss your latest product, first find out what your client needs, and go from there to a solution.

Lonebird.com Asheville’s leading web marketing company.

Using the DISC Personality Model to Improve Sales Techniques

Using the DISC Personality Model to Improve Sales TechniquesThe DISC model is a way to analyze four basic personalities, which can help increase your sales records. After all, if you are selling something, it always helps to understand why people act the way they do. DISC is a way to categorize people very quickly into different personalities. Once you know which kind of person you’re dealing with, you can modify how you approach them to ways in which they will respond. In short, you can speak their language. The four DISC categories are below. As you study them, think of yourself. What kind of DISC personality are you? Then think of the customer you need to contact and which DISC category s/he is most likely in, based on what you already know.

D = Dominant. This personality sees themselves as being stronger than the world, which is hostile. They tend to be extroverts who overcome any obstacle in the way of their goals. They love a challenge, are energetic and innovative, and think outside the box. Sometimes they are perceived as being arrogant, insensitive and too aggressive, usually by people who are polar opposites.

I = Influential. These people see the world as a friendly place and see themselves a strong in their environment. They are inspiring, generous and open to the opinions of others. They are usually loved by others but might be seen as shallow or silly on the surface.

S = Stability. Like Influential personalities, Stability people see the world as friendly. However, because they see themselves as weaker than the environment, they don’t like to upset the established system. They feel safe with the status quo, and need encouragement to grow or branch out. Sometimes they are perceived as stubborn and unwilling to change.

C = Conformity. These personalities see the world as hostile, and themselves as weak, which means they don’t think they have much influence and therefore prefer to think inside a well-established box. They are fact-seekers, intelligent and diplomatic. Because they analyze things carefully before committing to change, they can be perceived as very reserved or indecisive.

No one is purely one flavor of the DISC categories, but are instead a blend. You may know someone who loves a challenge and tackles problems with both hands (Dominant), but is also diplomatic and reflective (Conformity). As you can see, the DISC method is a way to analyze yourself as a salesperson, to understand your strengths and weaknesses, as well as a way to see your clients in a new light. If you use the DISC method wisely, you can improve your sales techniques significantly, which will make your customers happier and help your own bottom line.
Contact lonebird.com for your web marketing solutions.