Voice Search Optimization Basics for Web Marketing

Some Voice Search Optimization Basics. Half of all searches are voice-based, time to upgrade your website. Web Marketing Asheville NCHere are some Voice Search Optimization Basics for Web Marketing. Because nearly half of all Internet searches are voice-based, it’s probably time to upgrade your website, in order to help achieve top SEO placement. Just as the world shifted from pay phones to smart phones, the rules of the Internet are shifting as well. The days of simply using meta tags and “liking” a few social media posts to snag top spots in Google searches are gone. If you want your business to hit the top spots, you need to up your web marketing game. Voice search optimization is going to be a key element in 2020 for successful marketing. Here’s are some key elements to incorporate into your web marketing:

Natural language is the key. We used to sit at a desktop and type in disjointed key words to initiate a search. Now we use smart assistants like Siri and OK Google for voice-based searches, and we simply talk to them. Where is a post office near me? What’s the weather in Asheville? This is a huge change in terms of SEO management, especially when coupled with trends like increased smart speakers, wearable devices (such as Fitbit) and other internet-based things like smart TVs, toys, appliances and even smart homes. What this boils down to is that because search engine parameters have changed to embrace the way we speak to the Internet, it’s time to rethink SEO for your business.

Long-tailed snippets. Just as in the past SEO used the basic key words for searches, now long-tailed snippets help you hit Google’s Featured Snippets. It’s the same principle as the old meta tags, but with more lingo, which makes sense because it runs on smart devices or assistants (like Alexa). When we ask for something in ordinary vernacular, the responses will be long-tailed as well. Your SEO should reflect these changes.

Keep what works. Like old SEO basics, there are some tried and true approaches that help your Voice Engine Optimization (VEO). They include optimizing your content and ensuring your website loads quickly and keeping all listings for your business (such as Angie’s List) up to date. Consider hiring a professional blogger and if you’re an expert at something, showcase it with webinars. Your company should also have an active, professional social media presence. For all these ideas, keep the mood professional but friendly.

Voice searching with smart devices isn’t a fad that will pass in time. Smart technology is here to stay, and will only increase. Trends indicate that 2020 will be the Year of Voice Searches. Therefore, web optimization for voice-based searches is the new SEO basis, and can help you stay at the top of search results. Compare these Voice Search Optimization Basics to your website.

For a Free consultation, contact Lone Bird Studio here. We’d love to help with your web marketing needs.

Web Marketing and The Impact of Voice Searches

Web Marketing and The Impact of Voice Searches
Personal assistants change everything. let’s look at web marketing and the impact of voice searches.

We take online searches for granted. Things are changing, though, from hand-typing in searches to using voice searches on mobile devices. If we need to know something, we simply ask Alexa, Ask Google, Siri or Cortina. Those voice platforms not only answer client queries but anticipate the end of the question with autofill options based on previous searches. Over 90% of Americans have a smart phone and most of them use smart speakers daily. As a business owner, you need your company to be the one that is included in Google’s search snippets. Otherwise, your company is going to be left behind in the dust of your competitors.

Voice searches are more conversational than traditional keyboard searches. We used to go to the computer and type in “Weather Asheville, NC” and scroll through options that popped up. Now we pick up our phone and say, “Okay Google, what’s the weather in Asheville, NC?” We’ve gone from a minimum key word entry to long-tailed phrases or complete sentences. Digital marketing now specializes in not just search engine optimization, but voice search optimization, where semantics matters. Voice-enabled speakers, such as Alexa and Siri already are used by an overwhelming majority of consumers and will take this platform to the next level. Will your company be able to handle the next generation of voice-friendly marketing? To ignore this trend is to ignore customers who’d like to hear about your upcoming sales or promotions.

Voice-friendly devices are the way of the future. We use our smart phones, obviously, but smart home (smart office) devices such as voice-activated thermostats, televisions, Alexa, kitchen appliances and vacuum cleaners can open a whole new world of business opportunities for you. Use of smart devices is on the rise, and therefore voice-based searches are rising. It makes sense to revamp your company’s content now to include up-to-date key phrases.

To grab more voice queries, your web content should reflect natural language patterns and optimize pages with long-tailed keywords. It’s part of the trend toward screenless apps, and can really help a brick and mortar business, especially when coupled with geo-mapping technology.

To stay alive, you cannot ignore this when it come to your web marketing and the impact of voice searches.

It’s a lot to take in, but Lone Bird Studio can help. Click here for more information or to schedule a consultation.